Intentional Massage I,II,III

Intentional Massage I, II & III

(Exploring the Layers of Deeper Tissue)

with Emily Waltz & Zachary Fields

April 12-13, 2025  |  May 3-4, 2025   May 31 - June 1, 2025

Time: 9am-4pm each day

12 CE hours per weekend, 36 CE hours total

Cost: $335 per weekend

Cash/Check Discount: $325 per weekend

 Cost: $880 for complete course

Cash/Check Discount: $850 for complete course

(3 weekends) Payment Plan Available

Learn how to effectively explore the layers of Deeper Tissue with ease!

Course Description

Intentional Massage Therapy is a way of describing a growing number of techniques used to treat a variety of musculoskeletal syndromes. The foundation of this course is the lifelong achievement in research by Ida Rolf, Janet Travell, M.D., David Simmons, M.D., Bob King, David Lauterstein, Thomas Myers, and Paul St. John, the effective techniques they have developed, and subsequent work done by other practitioners in the field of therapeutic bodywork.

Course Objectives

At the conclusion of this course the student will be able to:

1. Describe several principles of intentional massage therapy.

2. Describe the appropriate stages of rehabilitation.

3. Describe the physiological and neurological laws of intentional massage therapy.

4. Identify conditions that could be effectively treated with intentional massage techniques.

5. Describe methods of gaining a rapport with a client.

6. Demonstrate several techniques that can be used separately or consecutively to relieve a myofascial condition.

7. Perform a variety of energizing movement techniques for personal centering and client re-education.

Recommended Texts

  • Anatomy Trains, by Thomas Myers
  • Deep Massage Book, by David Lauterstein
  • Kinesiology for Manual Therapies, by Nancy Dail, Timothy Agnew, and R.T. Floyd

Supplies for Class 

1. Loose clothing (no jeans, please), Sports bras/tank tops, shorts.

2. Notebook, massage table, linens, and bolsters.


Emily Waltz, B.S., L.M.T., is a 2002 graduate of the University of Rhode Island with a B.S. in Marine Biology and a minor in Arts. Emily is the Assistant Director, Director of Admissions, director of Continuing Education, and DSM Store Manager. She graduated from DSM in 2004. Combining her love and knowledge of science, water, and the art of touch, Emily teaches Anatomy, Physiology, Hydrotherapy, Deep Tissue, Maniken,® and supervises Clinic. In her practice, she specializes in Therapeutic Massage, pregnancy massage, Shiatsu, and hydrotherapy treatments, and perinatal massage.

Zachary Fields, B.F.A., L.M.T., graduated from the Chicago School of Massage Therapy in 1998 where he studied with internationally known presenter and founder of CSMT, Bob King. For many years he assisted Bob King’s Myofascial workshops at DSM and at the New England AMTA Conference. While working as a massage therapist, he completed a degree in Art Education from the University of Southern Maine in 2004 and now teaches at Mt. Ararat High School in Topsham, Maine. Zachary blends the healing arts and visual arts through teaching and practicing art and massage therapy. He teaches Deep Tissue at DSM.

Workshop PRE-Registration

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