Balancing the Body

Balancing the base of support

(An evidence informed approach to the most common massage complaints)

with Justin Kobbe Solace, B.A. Psychology, LMT, BCTMB, CES


Time: Saturday - Sunday, Time 9:00am-6:00pm

NCBTMB Approved 16 CE Hours



(with $155 non-refundable deposit)

Cash / Check Discount Cost:


(with $150 non-refundable deposit)

Course Description:

"Balancing the Body" reviews current evidence, and best practice, on caring for the most common complaints found in the massage therapy setting. The content explores the therapeutic relationship, client self-care and adherence, and a variety of modality and technique for all areas of the body. Helping people out of pain is one of the greatest challenges for all healthcare providers. Chronic pain is one the largest burdens on our health system and economy. As massage therapists, we are in a unique position to help address this systemic issue for a variety of reasons. This workshop examines the experience of pain and provides an evidence-based framework to care for even the most complicated clients. The content is 1/3 lecture and 2/3 hands on and interactive. This courses' teaching objectives are client goals and setting expectations, pain science for massage therapists, posture vs function, manual assessment techniques, Anatomy and Pathology review for most common complaints, hands on treatment/technique, & Client self-care strategies.

Therapists will learn:

  • To identify and care for Headaches
  • Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
  • Shoulder impingement and rotator cuff issues
  • Upper/lower back pain
  • Sacroiliac discomfort and Sciatica
  • IT band issues
  • Hamstring tendinopathies
  • Patellar tendinopathies
  • Shin splints
  • Achilles tendinopathy
  • Plantar fasciosis

   And more…

Justin Kobbe Solace, LMT; holds a masters of Kinesiology, BA in Psychology, is a Board-Certified Massage Therapist, Corrective Exercise Specialist, Orthopedic Massage therapist, and currently working on his Certified Pain Specialist certification. Justin has been involved with healthcare since 2007 combining manual therapy, movement, exercise and education to achieve long lasting results with his clients. Justin is passionate about helping people get out of persistent pain and lead a full and healthy life. This passion drives him to find the most effective treatment possible for his clients even if this means referring to another healthcare provider. His knowledge is complimented by his ability to coach his clients through obstacles that are holding them back from success. In addition to his rehab work Justin teaches locally as well as across the country with some of the industry’s leading educators. These experiences allow him to continually deepen and refine his knowledge through the interaction with the world's leading researchers and clinicians on a continual basis.

Contact Justin at:

Workshop PRE-Registration

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